Hello and welcome to The Garden Room. My name is Debbie, and this is my dog, Daisy.
I believe that contact with animals and a closeness to nature play very important parts in our mental wellbeing. They help us maintain a happy and healthy equilibrium.
However sometimes when we are in emotional pain and distress we find it difficult to recognise the beauty in everyday things and the vibrant colours fade into murky greys. Our senses are dulled. Nothing brings us joy.
When we feel we are in pit of despair, it’s often difficult to climb out. We need the help of someone to listen to us, to really understand us, and help us learn to heal ourselves.
For over twenty years I worked for the emergency services and I experienced the pain and suffering of others from a different perspective. I was often present during times of extreme trauma and sadness.
Like many individuals I too have experienced the agony of loss and sometimes I found it difficult to see the colour.
So, now I am an Accredited Person Centred Therapist. With over 2,500 client contact hours, having been in practice since 2015.
I am also an EMDRIA Accredited EMDR Therapist and I have also been a Supervisor since 2019.
I am a registered member of The British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (reg number 241448) and a member of the National Council for Integrative Psychotherapists.
My areas of specialism are:
*Complex Trauma, particularly childhood sexual trauma.
*self harm
*suicidal ideation
Although I do work with other areas of mental health.
I have profiles on both The Counselling Directory and Psychology Today.
My professional qualifications include:
Accredited EMDR Practitioner
Level 6 in Clinical Supervision (Hawkins and Shohet)
Level 5 CBT
Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling Skills
Level 3 Counselling Skills
Level 2 Counselling Skills
I take my continued professional development very seriously and complete over 50 hours per year as I believe you should be relevant and real with what you do.
If you would like a free initial consultation please either email me at: or call me on 07526 742958
With love and light
Debbie (and Daisy).